Основана в 1992 году
Частная школа «Золотое сечение»


Public speaking (Around the world)


Our theme for the 3rd term of our academic year was around the world. We took a trip around the world and explored continents in faraway places. We learnt a little Geography, a little history and lots of interesting facts about many of the countries of the world. As we explored, we made mini-encyclopaedias about the countries most interesting to us. We learnt how to research information and from complicated information, we presented our information using sentences so others can understand what we have done. To round it all up, we chose the most fascinating projects and gave the students a chance to show off their public speaking skill while presenting countries of the world to our students and teachers. We’d like to give a hearty congratulations to Egor Bogdanov who came first place in this event. We also acknoelwege the effort put in by Sophie Zhelonkina, Timur Popelnyukhov, Artem Petrunichev and Taisya Kot.